Monday, January 14, 2008

Not Dead Yet!

But I have been not in a blogging kind of mood for a while. And I'd rather not try to fill space just for the sake of an update, so I've just kind of let the blog rest for a while. Simmer, if you will. (I may have the crockpot in mind.)

I do have all kinds of FOs to share, and a few stories. I've been out of touch in a lot of ways for the past while, and I'm hoping to hoist myself out of the doldrums shortly.

In the meantime, how could I let pass by National Dress Up Your Pet Day?

Not when I have an excellent little photo shoot all prepared.

This first one displays Sebastian's excellent catalog posture. I see two guys in slacks, smiling with their white, white teeth as they point to something off in the distance, while one leans on a the shiny hood of a car.

Sebastian in sweater

This is a little sweater made, not for Sebastian, but for another little cutie. I will post details once the sweater passes by in the FO parade.

You Wish You Could Look This Good

And one more for good measure. This one I call, "I Shall Keel You". Subtitled, "Slowly".
I Shall Keel You

Happy NDUYP Day!