Saturday, October 28, 2006

Scarves Made by Bad People Still Keep You Warm

There is a woman in my workplace who has decided that I am No Good. I am Not To Be Trusted.

This evokes in me unfamiliar desires to be sneaky and devious, and maybe wear a cape, or at least a black eye mask.

She is a temporary employee, here to help one person in particular. Into her third week here, she asked this person if everyone here is ‘okay’. Further probing revealed that she was asking about me in particular. She worries that I am watching her, following her, and talking about her to other people. She asked if I am ‘threatened by’ her’.

The irony of all this is that the person she’s working with is a pretty good friend of mine, and when she was warned by this woman that I am “trying to manipulate” her, she came straight to me to share the funny, and now we are talking about this woman. Because she is crazy.

But as much as I’m keeping a sense of humour about the whole thing, (because I am not Evil and everyone here is well aware of that), it still sucks to have someone come in and decide that you are a Bad Person.

But I know how to feel better.

My first cables

My very first cables. It's the Irish Hiking Scarf from Hello Yarn, done in Patons Merino. This is part of my Christmas knitting, but I'm pretty sure this person doesn't read this blog. I hope. And, since I've started down this road, here's a completed Christmas gift for my mum.

Mum's Clapotis
Yes, it's (another) clapotis, in mercerized cotton. It's really more of a royal blue than an electric blue, but I couldn't get the colour to come out quite right.

I also decided that I do not have enough scarves and picked up a fun green Patons for myself.

I love the weekend.


Unknown said...

I actually know for a fact that you are evil. This temp lady has her head on straight. ;)

Everything looks great! And that green is super fun. Whatcha gonna make with it?

Vaedri said...

Well, I try to keep the evil to a minimum at work, you see. :)

Thanks! I'm thinking I might try a cable scarf for myself with the green. I just have to find the perfect pattern.

Chelle said...

I love the clapotis in mercerized cotton, it must have fabulous drape!

Your cables are lovely too!